Do Cat Treats Expire?
Last updated: 6th Dec 2023
Yes, cat treats expire.
If you do not see an expiration date specified on the label, it’s safest to avoid giving your cat snacks.
If you purchase cat treats and there isn’t any date on the packaging, you should presume that they will expire within several months (maximum six months).
Read on to discover how expired cat treats affect cats and what to do with expired cat treats.
Can Cats Eat Expired Treats?
No cats shouldn’t eat expired treats. It’s not advised to give your cat's food that has gone bad. Cat food that has reached its expiration date is bad for your pet's health and nutrition. Giving your cat uncontaminated, fresh food is preferable, precisely like you would.
As pet owners you might stress about giving your feline treats that have been stored for a long period due to their expiration date. Check the packaging date if you’re unsure. If they haven’t been kept in their original packaging for quite a while, you should dispose of them and replace them with fresh ones.
Additionally, treats are an excellent way to relieve stress in cats, and treats are also a great way to help your cat recover from surgery or sickness.
They could encourage appropriate conduct during litter- and house training. One great reason to do this is to give your feline friend cookies as praise or a reward for good behavior. Also, it can be an excellent way to flavor up their diet.
It is advisable to keep it reasonable when offering cookies to cheer them up. Giving them a whole bag may be tempting, but overdoing it isn’t a good idea.
What to do if my cat has consumed expired treats?
You should find out how long has passed since those treats’ expiration date.
If two years have passed since the expiration date, take them to the veterinary clinic immediately without waiting to see how their body reacts.
If one or two days have passed, the treats will not likely cause any problem besides some mild digestive distress.
However, suppose your cat experiences any form of vomiting or diarrhea, whether recurring or not. In that case, they require veterinary assistance.
If your cat has eaten expired treats and you are concerned, we recommend you speak with a vet urgently.
Image by Freepik
As cat owners always check expiry date as cat treats start losing their freshness after a while. Your furry friend may become ill and display nausea, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal pain as the nutritional quality degrades.
Do cat treats have an expiration date?
Yes, most cat treats have an expiration or "best by" date indicated on the packaging.
What happens if my cat eats expired treats?
Consuming expired treats might lead to an upset stomach or digestive issues. It's best to avoid feeding expired treats.
How long do cat treats last?
The shelf life of cat treats varies. Most dry treats last several months to a year if stored properly.
What's the best way to store cat treats?
Keep treats in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, following the manufacturer's instructions.
Can expired treats harm my cat's health?
Expired treats might not be as nutritious and could potentially cause health problems, but immediate harm is rare.
Do wet cat treats expire too?
Yes, like any wet food product, wet treats also have a limited shelf life, even if unopened. Always check for expiration dates.
Can expired treats still be used if stored properly?
Treats past their expiration date, even if stored well, may lose nutritional value or quality over time.
Can expired cat treats cause food poisoning?
While rare, expired food or treats might increase the risk of foodborne illness or bacterial growth, potentially causing issues for your cat.
Are natural or premium treats exempt from expiration?
Natural or premium treats may contain fewer preservatives, so they can also expire. Always check the label for expiration dates.
What are signs that cat treats have gone bad?
Look for changes in appearance, odor, or texture. If treats look moldy, have an odd smell, or appear off, it's safer to discard them.
Do cat treats expire if stored at room temperature?
Yes, even when stored at room temperature, cat treats have an expiration date. It's essential to check the packaging for this information.
Can high temperatures affect the expiration of cat treats?
Yes, high temperatures can accelerate the deterioration of cat treats. It's crucial to store them in a cool, dry place to maintain their quality.