Do Dogs Need Life Jackets?

Dog in life jacket looking out to water

Dog life jackets have grown in popularity recently, especially unique shark and mermaid designs. However, many pet owners may wonder if they’re necessary. After all, the term “doggy paddle” has been around for years. Aren’t dogs born swimmers?

Frankly, they’re not. At least, not all of them are. And even the most fish-like dogs can become overwhelmed, exhausted, or injured in the water, making it more challenging to stay afloat.

A pet parent’s job is to keep their pets safe wherever they play. So, to learn more about dog life jackets, what dogs might benefit from them, and when they’re required.

Why Do Dogs Need Life Jackets?

What an Expert says about Dog Life Jackets

Fiona McGlynn an Award-winning sailing, outdoor, and environmental writer says ‘No single life jacket is ideal for dogs of every size, shape, and ability. The best one for your dog fits properly, is comfortable to wear in water and on land, and has plenty of functionality like durable handles and well-balanced flotation’

Why Your Dog Needs a Life Jacket

Dog in water with life jacket

Some dog breeds are not naturally suited for swimming or being in the water

The idea that all dogs are natural-born swimmers isn’t accurate. While most canines instinctively begin paddling once their legs hit the water, this movement is insufficient to keep some dogs afloat. Even if they keep their head above the water, many don’t know how to drive themselves in a specific direction. In addition, older dogs and younger pups do not have enough stamina to hold their head above the water. 

Accidents can happen

Accidents can happen at any moment. Even an experienced canine swimmer may require help keeping their head above the water if they suddenly fall off a vessel—the accident can disturb or frighten them and negatively affect their swimming ability. There could also be unrecognized dangers in the water, especially in rivers, lakes, and oceans. These include strong currents that can drag and exhaust a dog and underwater branches or foliage in which they can get entangled. A life jacket could save a dog’s life should any of these situations arise.  

Good swimmers get tired, too. 

Even canines who are outstanding swimmers get tired. Dogs who love swimming can become enthusiastic about being in the water and take on too much, wondering when to take a break. They can quickly run into danger if they aren’t wearing a life jacket. A dog life jacket lets your dog save energy and enjoy the water for longer. Aside from placing your furry friend in a personal flotation device, it’s also a good idea to know how long it takes to show the primary signs of fatigue. 

Make it easier to spot and grab your dog

Dog life jackets come in bright colors with reflective strips, which makes it easier to spot your pup easily from a distance. Some dogs like to venture out alone; wearing a colorful flotation device reduces the chances of losing sight of them. Also, dog life jackets have handles that let you grab and drag your pup to safety if required. 

Make swimming lessons more fun

If your puppy is learning to swim, putting a life jacket on them is a good idea. This can help boost their confidence in the water. Remember that your dog is new to swimming, so they might feel nervous or intimidated. Additionally, when unsure in the water, dogs often swim with only their front legs, which can tire them out quickly. Life jackets help beginner swimmers stay buoyant and encourage them to use all four legs when swimming.


Are life jackets for dogs necessary?

It would be best to put a dog life vest on your dog for any water-based activity, whether rafting, canoeing, power boat, or paddleboarding.

Do all dogs know how to swim?

Not all dogs can swim! There is a common misconception, probably helped by the swim stroke, called a “doggy paddle.” Some canines don’t take to the water at all. Breeds with low body fat, like Dobermans and Boxers, can have trouble in the water.

Can I use a human life jacket on my canine?

No, dog life jackets are specifically created with the dog’s body shape and swimming needs. Human life jackets may not deliver enough buoyancy or support for a hound and most likely not fit properly, which could cause discomfort or lead to the dog falling out of the jacket.

When should a dog wear a flotation device?

Activities like swimming, paddleboarding or being out with a boat, kayak or canoe should all have a life jacket as accidents can occur even to experienced swimmers. The risk rises with colder temperatures when your dog swims longer distances or in deep or moving water.

How do I choose a life jacket for my dog?

Choosing a life jacket for your dog can be challenging. Consider the following factors:

  • Size and Fit: A life jacket should accurately fit your dog. It shouldn’t be too loose or snug. To select the right size, weigh your dog and measure their length and girth. Review the manufacturer’s size chart when unsure.

  • Handle and Leash Attachment: A solid top handle makes it more comfortable to grab hold of your dog and teach them to swim. A D-ring allows for leash attachment, providing the ultimate leash control.

  • Buoyancy: The life jacket should have enough buoyancy to keep your dog floating. Look for jackets with additional flotation material, particularly around the chest and neck.

  • Visibility: Bright colors or reflective strips improve the visibility of your dog, particularly if you’re swimming in the morning or at night.

Eva Crawford

I’m Eva, the founder, and Editor-in-Chief here at AllThatPets.

A little about me: I have a husband, two children, two cats, and a dog.

Growing up, I have always had pets, which I’m incredibly grateful for. I have a passion for all things pets and want to share my experience with my own pets and try to give value to you along the way.


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