How Long Does It Take to Train a Service Dog?

Service dog walking on a lead

On average, it takes around two years to train a service dog fully, yet this can rely on the dog and the training. Training also doesn't end when the dog graduates and passes all the exams; it lasts throughout the dog's life.

Approximately 500,000 service dogs are helping people. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States.

Make My Dog a “Real” Service Dog? Service Dog Testing and Training Path Explained

What Is a Service Dog?

A service dog is a dog that trainers or handlers train specifically to aid people with a disability. While working, they watch their handler for any symptoms of illness onset, calming their handlers from panic attacks, and many more essential tasks.

Trainers can train service dogs before matching them with a handler, while some service dog training requires involving the handler. This requires pairing the handler and canine at puppy age.

Types of Service Dogs

For many people with specific neurological, physical, or mental health needs, service dogs are invaluable in their everyday life. The list of services they can be trained for is continually growing, but some current standard service dogs are:

  • Guide Dogs

  • Psychiatric Service Dogs

  • Seizure Alert Dogs

  • Mobility Assistance Dogs

  • Allergy Detection Dogs

  • Diabetic Alert Dogs

  • Seizure Response Dogs

  • FASD Service Dogs

  • Hearing Dogs

  • Autism Service Dogs

Some service dogs, like FASD and allergy detection dogs, are new and emerging in the field but are invaluable to those needing them.

Guide Dog walking

What Makes a Good Service Dog?

The best service dogs are intelligent and have temperaments that make them easy to train, reliable, calm under pressure, and not easily distractible. Breeds with long histories of these traits purposely bred to maintain these qualities make the best service dogs. Service dogs must remain focused, attentive, and responsive to their owners’ needs and unruffled by crowds of people, traffic, loud noises, or other animals.

Top 10 dog breeds that make the best service dogs:

  • Labradors (American and English)

  • Golden Retrievers

  • German Shepherds

  • Poodles

  • Boxers

  • Great Danes

  • Border Collies

  • Bernese Mountain Dogs

  • Pomeranians

  • Portuguese Water Dogs

What’s the best service dog leash to use?

We recommend the Albcorp Service Dog Leash as the best leash, which heavily focuses on reliability and practicality. For more recommendations, view our detailed list. A double handle leash is also preferred for better control.


Teaching a service dog is difficult. The time to train a service dog is impacted by the skills you will need. Remember to be consistent. Take advantage of the knowledge and expertise of a professional trainer. Have patience throughout the process. It’s well worth it in the end.


How long does it take to train a service dog?

Training duration varies based on individual factors like the dog's temperament, the complexity of tasks, and consistency in training. It can take several months to years for comprehensive training.

What role does a trainer play in service dog training?

A professional trainer guides the training process, teaching specific tasks, and ensuring the dog meets the required standards for service.

When should you start training a dog as a service dog?

Training can begin when the dog is young, but formal service training usually starts after the basic obedience stage, typically around one year old.

What does training service dogs involve?

It involves teaching specific tasks based on the handler's needs, focusing on obedience, socialization, and task training.

What temperament is ideal for a service dog?

An ideal service dog should exhibit traits like calmness, focus, and sociability, in addition to being trainable and adaptable to various environments.

How much time is required to train service dogs?

Training sessions can vary in length and frequency. Consistent and regular sessions, typically a few times a day, contribute to successful training.

Can any dog become a service dog?

Not all dogs possess the temperament or physical ability to become service dogs. Specific breeds or individual dogs with suitable characteristics are better suited for this role.

What is the starting point for training a dog for service work?

Initial training includes basic obedience, manners, and socialization, paving the way for more specialized service-related tasks.

What's the most crucial aspect of training service dogs?

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to service dogs in training. Reward-based methods encourage desired behavior effectively.

How is the process of taking a dog to public places during training managed?

Trainers and handlers follow legal guidelines, ensuring the dog's behavior meets public access standards during training, gradually acclimating them to different environments.


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Eva Crawford

I’m Eva, the founder, and Editor-in-Chief here at AllThatPets.

A little about me: I have a husband, two children, two cats, and a dog.

Growing up, I have always had pets, which I’m incredibly grateful for. I have a passion for all things pets and want to share my experience with my own pets and try to give value to you along the way.


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